If you took a class, got your permit and feel like you are prepared to defend yourself, you will likely be in for a huge and unpleasant surprise in the event that you end up in a deadly force incident.
First off, you need more training than the simple understanding of the law that your CCW permit class gives you. Yes, you need to know the law and you need to follow the law in every instance, but you also need to know how to respond to serious incidents concerning your safety. What will you do? If you haven’t trained, you won’t know what to do and chances are pretty good you will do nothing right.
Trigger Action, LLC has advanced skills training on Personal Protection in the Home. This is not standing at the seven-yard line on your local range plinking away with your pistol. Real training means so much more than that. You have to be ready to protect yourself.
Self-defense is not a one-trick pony. It is system of actions that keeps you safe. It starts with situation awareness. You need to pay attention to where you are and what others are doing around you. If you don’t need to go into a bad neighborhood, don’t go. If you can stop and get gas before you get to a place that may be unsafe, do it. Don’t intentionally provoke people. If someone cuts you off in traffic just hit the brakes, smile and drive on.
Prevention is the best option. Trigger Action, LLC has the training available to help you identify situations and provide the skills to defend yourself if the situation calls for action.
Trigger Action, LLC, major objective is to provide education and training in the safe and proper use of firearms.
First off, you need more training than the simple understanding of the law that your CCW permit class gives you. Yes, you need to know the law and you need to follow the law in every instance, but you also need to know how to respond to serious incidents concerning your safety. What will you do? If you haven’t trained, you won’t know what to do and chances are pretty good you will do nothing right.
Trigger Action, LLC has advanced skills training on Personal Protection in the Home. This is not standing at the seven-yard line on your local range plinking away with your pistol. Real training means so much more than that. You have to be ready to protect yourself.
Self-defense is not a one-trick pony. It is system of actions that keeps you safe. It starts with situation awareness. You need to pay attention to where you are and what others are doing around you. If you don’t need to go into a bad neighborhood, don’t go. If you can stop and get gas before you get to a place that may be unsafe, do it. Don’t intentionally provoke people. If someone cuts you off in traffic just hit the brakes, smile and drive on.
Prevention is the best option. Trigger Action, LLC has the training available to help you identify situations and provide the skills to defend yourself if the situation calls for action.
Trigger Action, LLC, major objective is to provide education and training in the safe and proper use of firearms.